National Robin day

Well it’s another first for me, 2 blogs in one day, one was planned and one not, but I couldn’t let National Robin Day pass without a slight mention of the gardeners best friend, that delightful little bird who follows us around the garden, uses our tools as a perch to survey its territory, bursting into song almost as a thank you as we work the soil but more as a warning to other robins that’s it’s their territory so leave the worms along! And then they leave a little ‘present’ on the handle of the spade which we always find too late. Sadly and Robin flew away.that it followed for thousands of years, picking up worms that the boar dug up while rooting around in the soil. Gladly we don’t use tusks just spades and forks.

So here’s a poem I nicked from the internet that dates back to around 1948 about Robins. It’s from the most famous of all poets Anonymous, who written some great works. Enjoy and spare a little thought for our little feathered friend.

Little Robin Redbreast


Little Robin Redbreast

Sat upon a tree;

Up went Pussy-cat,

Down went he.

Down came Pussy-cat,

And away Robin ran;

Says little Robin Redbreast

“Catch me if you can.”

Little Robin Redbreast

Hopped upon a wall;

Pussy-cat jumped after him,

And almost got a fall.

Little Robin chirped and sang,

And what did Pussy say?

Pussy-cat said “Mew,”

and Robin flew away.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. mercyjm says:

    An appropriate day, I have been sung at most of the day. Lovely.

    1. thomashort says:

      Just such a lovely song isn’t

  2. tonytomeo says:

    That thing is a robin? It does not look like what I think of as a robin. He looks like he eats seeds with that small beak. It is not the sort of beak to pull up worms.

    1. thomashort says:

      Don’t let that small beak fool you, it’s deadly like a dagger, ready to pounce any second the worm comes into view

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