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Six on Saturday 28/10/17

Well it doesn’t seem like a week since I was writing the one for last week, the weather that effects us gardeners more than others, ended up being pretty wet but so warm this week thankfully drying out a little towards the end of the week, with that strange yellow thing in the sky appearing for one day. The rumour is Jack Frost could be arriving this week, I wonder how tough he will be, need to get the rest of my tender plants in overcome this weekend, hopefully to save them for next years enjoyment. Anyway here are this weeks 6 highlights from my own and my clients gardens.

This lovely hydrangea has decided it’s time to flower again for some reason, seems a common occurrence amongst hydrangeas this year, never mind, we get to enjoy their beautiful flowers for a little longer!
Acer palmatum Dissectum Atropurpureum delights us in this garden with its purple foliage during the summer months and then turns this wonderful colour in the autumn supposed to be a slow growing shrub, it loves the clay soil on this site and is now putting on about a foot of growth every year
Time for some hips and Rosa glauca is having one last throw of the delight dice, after thrilling is all summer with its grey foliage and small but perfectly formed pink flowers, it finishes the season with some great hips and I love great hips!
Iris foetidissima is better known as the stinking iris mainly as the flowers and to a lesser degree the foliage just stink! It’s a horrid cat wee smell and for me the only saving graces are it is a british native, the leaves are evergreen and the seed pods are stunning,
Leaf piles! Nothing and I repeat nothing says autumn more than a pile of leaves and no matter how long it takes me to produce a huge leaf ruck I can not help myself going through it and kicking some into the air, grabbing a handful and just smelling them, only to be done with fresh dry leaves I may add! Fallen leaves are the sign summer is over and the naked trees a sign winter is here
Spiders spiders everywhere! Wherever you look at this time of year the evidence of spiders can be found in hedges, grass and borders. Their cobwebs are like natures own deadly decorations bringing in winter, really luck to get this one after a heavy mist the other day!
I hope you enjoyed my 6 on Saturday from both mine and a clients garden. If you did please checkout other people’s 6 on the memes founder website I love seeing other people’s plants and what’s happening in their gardens. Why not give it ago yourself next week and give me a shout so I can take a look

Until next week, have fun in the garden

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