Six on Saturday – 10th of March,2018

Well that didn’t last long did it, of course it’s the snow I am talking about, we had it quite deep here for us in Hampshire but sadly most of it was gone by Sunday, it did make the garden look beautiful and of course the plants have their colours enhanced with the pure white snow, making all the colours seemingly jumping out at you.

The rest of the week was pretty cool and dry with us right until Friday when it seems the heavens opened and everything got a good watering. I am still not 100% sure the winter has finished with us yet, there always seems to be a little bit of a sting in the tale of the winter

My six this week comes from my own garden, there’s a few things going on and being planned as well, I hope you enjoy this weeks six

This is my last picture of my Edgeworthii I promise, well ok for this year and I will be honest it’s nearly finished but I love this picture of the flowers with it’s little snow hat on, it really bought out the colour in the picture, it looks stunning doesn’t.

The very beautiful crocus tricolor, it’s a new in the garden this year but already I love the 3 different colours on the flowers, it really makes them stand out

My new roses, not all for me but a few are! Always find it exciting getting new plants in, these are kneeled in or my version which involves a large pot and loads of bark mulch used to cover the roses. This is a brilliant way to keep the roots damp in the short time in a small garden where you haven’t got the space to kneel them into the garden

And this is where they will be going, taking the Spotted laurel and planting under the window and replacing it with roses and a few more underplanting to get the best from the site, it just needed a little more colour in the area

I don’t have that many daffodils in my garden, mainly as it in my mind suits the more formal approach that tulips give you, I caved in last autumn and thought I would try this smaller forms of daffodils like fortune, here just coming into flower, can’t wait to see them in full flower, hoping it is going to work

And I love these little specie tulips, this is the first one opening for me and it’s called biforiformis, it’s tiny flowers look nothing like the huge forms of tulip that will be flowering very soon but these hold a little bit more charm for me

hope you enjoyed my 6 on Saturday from My garden. If you did please checkout other people’s 6 on the memes founder website I love seeing other people’s plants and what’s happening in their gardens. Why not give it ago yourself next week and give me a shout so I can take a look

Until next week, have fun in the garden

26 Comments Add yours

  1. tonytomeo says:

    A bucket of sticks in the mud is a glorious sight this time of year! I will not be planting any roses, or any bare root plants for that matter. Boo hoo! I miss my roses.

    1. thomashort says:

      Agree got some fruit trees coming soon, can’t wait to add those to my kneeled in area 😂 that’s a shame you definitely need some 👍never have too many Rose

      1. tonytomeo says:

        I do not really need more. There are more important things to grow. I put a strict limit on how many roses I would waste resources on. There are only a few more that I would get if I ever find them.

      2. thomashort says:

        That’s very strict, I try and find one more that I need so add it and then another and another lol

      3. tonytomeo says:

        That is how most of us do it. I just do not like so many of them. I like all the simple ‘plain’ colors, like ‘John F Kennedy’, ‘Proud Land’; you know, perfect white. perfect red, perfect yellow and so on. I dislike ‘Double Delight’! I only happen to like ‘Seashell’ because I grew up with it. (I can not find it now.) Anyway, I do not like many of the other roses outside of my favorites. I don’t know why.

  2. cavershamjj says:

    I have three bare root roses heeled in, one pot year I can afford to be a bit more casual!

    1. thomashort says:

      Lol I wasn’t going to buy anymore this year, I just got the clearance list through from a major grower ummmmm I may get a few more now……

      1. cavershamjj says:

        Ooh. Is it paper or electronic?

      2. thomashort says:

        Electronic, but it’s for members of the historic rose group sadly

      3. cavershamjj says:

        Saved me from myself perhaps. I still have 4 rose plants in pots waiting for a planting spot. Best get building containers…

  3. John Kingdon says:

    My miniature narcissi are all flowering away nicely now, though their blousier cousins are still just in bud. I’m getting very attracted to the miniature tulips now I have alpine beds to fill. According to what I’ve read so far, it seems they’re in flower much earlier and for longer than the big ones plus they last well for a number of years. So I’m making notes for later in the year. I have just three roses “in the pot” to plant out when I find space for them. But David Austin’s catalogue gets bigger every year ……. Maybe I need to cross out “roses” and write “snowdrops” over the cover. 😉

    1. thomashort says:

      I bet they look beautiful John, I saw some a few weeks ago that where like shrunkdown big ones but about 3’’ tall, added to want list. Let’s hope so, I do love these little ones, Haha be careful they are like snowdrops, very addictive, I um Ended up with 6 this year, will be a few more next year 😂. If you could with mine too, it will save me a lot of money 😂😂😂

  4. Lora Hughes says:

    I am so w/you on edgeworthia. As soon as the pictured scrolled up, I had to stop reading to simply stare at it. They’re beautiful all on their own but wearing a crown? Ah yes, the queen of the garden. As always, love the rest of your photos, too. Glad you mentioned roses as I’ve some to go in & am glad to know I’m not behind schedule. (Daffs go anywhere.)

    1. Ali says:

      Agree with you on the edgeworthia! But I don’t know what it is! Not very good on trees/shrubs!

      1. Lora Hughes says:

        I can’t say I’m very good at identification either. If it’s in my garden, I know it by where it is. If it’s not, I know it by the blossom. Very sophisticated, you see.

      2. thomashort says:

        It’s just a stunner isn’t 😍 we all have weak areas, mines house plants really rubbish at them,

  5. fredgardener says:

    I had already seen the picture of your snow hat on the Edgeworthia and it‘s a very beautiful one! Do you know the name of your tiny tulips? So Cute!

  6. Caro says:

    The yellow in the garden here is provided by a Kerria japonica (bit of a vigorous thug if I’m honest but very welcome flowers in spring) and miniature tete a tete daffs which come out among the hellebores every year. Personally, I’m very glad the snow has gone, all 3 inches deep of it, there’s work to be done!

    1. thomashort says:

      The kerrias do look beautiful in flower don’t they and I love tete a tete as well, they are just lovely little daffs, I think I was just sad as I didn’t get out to play in it ☹️☹️😂😂

  7. Ali says:

    I love your crocus ‘Tricolor’ too. Very beautifully photographed.

    1. thomashort says:

      Thank you 😀

  8. Your Edgeworthii is very beautiful in the snow and I love those tricolour snowdrops!
    All I have asked for for Mother’s Day is a few hours to prepare for and plant my bare root roses!

  9. Paddy says:

    I love the snow hat on the Edgeworthii (never come across that plant before, but it looks stunning!). The tricolour Crocus looks equally great.

    1. thomashort says:

      Thank you 😊 yes it’s a little stunner, really good winter plant

  10. Jim Stephens says:

    Glad someone got in a thumbs up for the crocus, that is choice!

    1. thomashort says:

      Cheers Jim, it’s a little stunner isn’t, one of my favourite crocus, pleased I got hold of it

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