Davidia involucrata

This weeks Plant is the stunning handkerchief tree or white dove tree, Davidia, find out more about this Beautiful tree

Plant of the week- Drimys winteri

My plant of the week this week is Drimys Winteri, a beautiful small tree from South America, find out how to grow and enjoy this beautiful plant

Plant of the week- Stachyurus praecox

Some plants knock you over with their beauty and this is one! Stachyurus praecox is a stunning shrub from Japan, learn more about this shrub and how to grow and care for it, in my plant of the week blog!

Plant of the week- Chionodoxia luciliae

Spring to me would be spring without the large drifts of bulbs that delight us in the larger parks and gardens. Most of the time, the bigger daffodils steal the show, with their yellow colour brightening up a dull spring day or crocus that open in huge drifts once the sun hits then. Quite often…